Your Diet is THE Foundation of Real Health

It’s a brand new year and the perfect time to take to make a move towards a healthier YOU.

There are several systems in our body that need to work together properly that need to be in order for any of us to obtain optimal health. But for those systems to function we need to give our bodies the right building blocks.

WHAT you eat and HOW it’s sourced and prepared if the foundation of REAL HEALTH.

It’s not about trendy diets. It’s not about limiting calories. It’s not even about depriving yourself of what you want to eat. It’s about nourishing YOUR body with REAL food.

🎯The goal is a Nutritionally Dense, Properly Prepared, Bio-Individually Balanced, Whole Food Diet.

Nutritionally dense— that’s the opposite of empty calories. To feel your best your food needs to contain both macro nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), and micronutrients  (vitamins and minerals). Not all calories are created equal. The 300 calories in an avocado are MUCH more useful to the body than 300 calories of cookies.

Properly Prepared —HOW food is cooked and stored matters!! Deep frying, high heat, using too much water are all examples of cooking methods that can lose important nutrients. When we look back over human history we see traditional ways of cooking and preparing foods,  like slow roasting, stewing sprouting, fermenting, that not only enhance the nutrition of the food but the digestability and the flavor!

Bio-Individually Balanced- because we all have different needs and circumstances! To be truly healthy we need a balance of proteins, fats, and carbs that is individual to each of our needs. There are lots of popular diets out there that focus on one or 2 of these macronutrients, but usually a person can only maintain these diets short term .  Finding the right nutrition plan for you is largely about finding what ratio of these macros work for your body!

Whole Food Diet—foods that are not processed and do not have added ingredients. Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, cuts of pasture raised meats, raw dairy, and nuts and seeds have complex combinations of nutrients that work together synergistically. Our body recognizes them as food and can utilize them more effectively. Whole Foods are more nutrient dense than processed foods. The benefits of eating real foods is HUGE!

Stay tuned for part 2 of these Foundations where we talk about digestion and how important it is to tour over health and wellness!! 💕


RESTART Your Health


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