Time Around the Table is Priceless

Real food isn’t just about nourishing the body. Real food takes a bit more time and care to prepare. It takes more intention and thought. Preparing real ingredients in traditional ways takes a shift in culture. When you spend some time cooking, for yourself or for your family, there is a layer of appreciation and connection that comes through the food. Family and friends gathering around a dinning room table or a kitchen island to eat a home cooked meal can be some of the most special time people share together. Eating food prepared for you, facing each other as you eat, talking and laughing, passing the potatoes or the butter, prayers of gratitude before or after…all these seemingly small things add up to fuller and richer memories associated with food. These times connect us in ways that seem to be immeasurable. It doesn’t have to be every day or even every week, but regular, intentional meals shared with the people we love is a gift to ourselves and to the world around us.

Do you want to add some slow home cooked meals into your life but don’t know where to start? Get in touch! We can explore simple ways YOU can start these precious traditions now.


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