Feed your Soul

We are physical AND spiritual beings. Real Health comes when we take care of both!

Created for Purpose

We were created for a reason, with reason.

When we embrace our calling and purpose, when we live into it, we find a satisfaction that can not be duplicated. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but exploring this and other Soul-Filling ideas is all part of holistic health and being TRULY nourished.

Science and Spirit…

There’s no conflict here. There’s no keeping things in tidy categories and boxes. Our bodies, minds, emotions, and thoughts are all connected. We are flesh and bone and electricity and souls, and much more. Are you looking for support in integrating all the parts that make you YOU? Get in touch to find out more about Holistic Christian Life Coaching. I’d be honored to walk this journey with you.

Spirit and Truth….

Seriously learning about our Creator and our purpose is one of the greatest endeavors one can take on. I’d love to walk with you on your journey to be come better acquainted with God, who you are, and who you were created to be!

Feed Your Soul

Are you a Christian woman looking for some support? Even those of us who have it all together need a place to lean in and find community. Join our accountability group where we focus on TRUE health. Body Mind and Soul.

"Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD”

Deuteronomy 8:3b